Call For Submissions: Anything She Wants

Anything She Wants Ladylit, the publishing company my wife and I founded in June last year, wants to celebrate its first birthday with a scorching hot collection of lesbian erotica, to be published in June 2013.

We have a title, a cover and an editor (although I can’t take all the credit, but the wife decided the name Harper Bliss should cover our joint effort in this case.) What we need now are… stories!

Here’s all the information you need:


Anything She Wants (Lesbian erotica)
Editor: Harper Bliss
Publisher: Ladylit
Deadline: May 1, 2013
Word Count: 2.000-3.500
Type: Lesbian
Payment: $30 per story
Rights: First international electronic rights

Ladylit Publishing wishes to celebrate its first anniversary with a sizzling collection of lesbian tales. We’re looking for F/F erotica of any subgenre (fiction only). It doesn’t matter how many characters end up in bed (or anywhere else) together, as long as they are all female. Make your setting original, and make sure there’s a little something more going on than just sex. Whether you’re writing about cougars, first-timers, tomboys or latebians, give us a fully-formed character. We’re open to all varieties of lesbian lust, as long as your story is well-crafted and hot.

No incest, rape, underage characters or bestiality.

Original stories are preferred. No simultaneous submissions.

The deadline is May 1, 2013.

Fictional stories only, please. No poetry. One submission per author. We buy first international electronic rights. Authors will be paid $30 per story.

Please make sure submissions include your name (legal and pen), mailing address and email address in the top left corner of the page. Send it as a Word attachment to with ‘Anything She Wants (Story Title)’ in the subject line. Please name your document as follows: StoryTitle_AuthorName. Include a 50-word bio with your submission. You will receive an email acknowledgement of receipt within 48 hours.

Make sure your submission is formatted properly using double spaces and Times New Roman or Georgia, 12 pt. font. Don’t put any extra spaces between paragraphs and make sure each paragraph is indented. Use quotation marks in dialogue.

For any questions regarding your story or the submission process, e-mail

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