Some other news

No writing today (rarely on Fridays). Instead of getting up early, I stayed in bed until 8, painfully digesting that bottle of wine I drank the night before (aka suffering from a well-deserved hangover). Then we went to our new office to take measurements before venturing to Ikea. We know what we want, but it may take a while to get it all done (aka I will be working form my bedroom/office for a little while longer.)

Girls Only: The CollectionBut, hey, I have a new book out! Let me clarify though. The words in Girls Only: The Collection are not new and this is not a book for those lovely people amongst you who have read most of my short stories. Instead, this collection (of all my short stories I have the rights to) is for people who have maybe read one or two of my (short) stories and want more, e.g. a rather hot bundle of lesbian erotica. 😉

If you happen to be one of those people looking for short and sweet F/F tales, here’s the info:

This scorching hot collection bundles ten lesbian erotica short stories from Harper Bliss. The settings vary from bars to gyms and the characters range from tennis players to cut throat lawyers, but, as always, all these tales feature… Girls Only.

Caution: This title contains graphic language and all sorts of lesbian sex and is suitable for adults only.

The stories in this book have been previously published as standalone titles, in Girls Only Volume One and Two and the Ladylit anthologies ‘Anything She Wants’ and ‘Sweat’.

Table of contents
– Alphas
– Personal Training
– New Girl
– Champagne
– Match Point
– Bar Service
– Wetter
– Fair and Square
– All of Me
– The Client

The only ‘unfamiliar’ story in this TOC is The Client, which I released under a different pen name for A Hotter State. (The idea behind Sadie Spiller was to write some straight stories but I just can’t tear myself away from lesbian erotica (aka my one true love), hence the far from prolificness of Sadie.) (The Client is F/F though! Not to worry!)

Girls Only: The Collection is available from the following retailers (and the slower ones will follow soon, as usual):
Amazon US
Amazon UK
Amazon DE
Amazon CA
All Romance
Direct from author


Now, about that boxed set I kept going on about yesterday. What do you think? 😉

A Super Sexy Lesbian Romance Boxed Set

For those of you waiting for ‘new words’, I’m currently putting together a Christmas mini-anthology featuring stories by the same wonderful authors who contributed to Sweat. Christmas might be hot this year!

P.S. As always, I have review copies available. Do let me know if you’d like one.

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