Anything She Wants #8: Behind Closed Doors by Kelly Lawrence

Every anthology needs a tale set in a different time and Kelly Lawrence’s Behind Closed Doors was perfect for Anything She Wants. We have a sought-after courtesan, a pining servant and… a wooden dildo (She had heard of them. They had come from Italy, so people said, but she had never seen, much less used one.) I dare you not to be intrigued… 😉

Here’s a snippet:

Pip paused as she approached Bianca’s door, hearing the unmistakable whimpers and sighs that signified she had company. Her mistress’ moans were high and girlish and, Pip would wager on it, faked. Even so, she couldn’t help feeling aroused as she imagined Bianca inside, her chestnut curls—brushed and preened by Pip herself—falling over her large creamy breasts and soft peach nipples. When it came to pouring her mistress’ bath and attending to her, Pip found it almost impossible not to stare at Bianca’s breasts, not to imagine fondling and sucking at them until she moaned with a pleasure that was definitely real.

A few times she was sure Bianca had caught her looking; once they had shared a secret smile that gave Pip hope that her mistress might share her fancies, but she had made no move on her maid and it was not Pip’s place to dare. She had to be content with looking, and thinking about her in the quiet of night, her own hand between her legs, fantasising it was Bianca’s hand or better yet, her mouth.

KELLY LAWRENCE is a former English teacher turned author, with her first full length novel, Wicked Games published by Random House in July 2013.  She is a practicing Buddhist and her regular monthly column ‘From Motherhood to Buddhahood’ can be found at

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