Anything She Wants #9: Debbie Does Dalhousie by Giselle Renarde

What’s a lesbian erotica anthology without an orgy? Furthermore, what’s a lesbian erotica anthology without a Giselle Renarde story? The answer to both should be fairly obvious. 😉 I’ve been a Giselle fan for a long time (when i first started writing I read her stories to see how it was done!) and I love her clear style and total lack of inhibitions when it comes to subject matter. I also jumped up and down a lot when I found her submission for Anything She Wants in my mailbox. And really, who else is going to come up with a story titled Debbie Does Dalhousie? I ♥ Giselle!

Debbie had barely picked at the sushi, though the other girls were talking so much they didn’t seem to notice. “Well, what are we having for snacks at this party?”

The girls looked at each other like they were trying not to laugh.

“Oh, it’s not that kind of party,” Mimi said with a gentle smile.

“It’s not the kind of party that has snacks?” Debbie asked. She was starting to wonder what she’d gotten herself into, if maybe “party” was code for something she couldn’t even fathom. “Then what kind of party is it?”

“This kind,” Alisha said, pointing to the pile of cute, cuddly bunnies on the invitation.

Debbie was starting to feel really dumb now. “I don’t get it. What’s a bunch of rabbits supposed to mean?”

Wednesday leaned across the table. “We all get together and… take off our clothes and…”

“It’s better when there are more people,” Mimi said.

“What? Like an orgy?” Debbie asked, far more loudly than she’d intended. The guys at the next table looked over, and she could only be relieved that Ryan wasn’t among them.

“I guess so,” Alisha answered. “So, are you still in?”

A thick pulse pounded between Debbie’s thighs. Alisha, Mimi, and Wednesday were all very pretty girls, and she’d come here thinking how many experiences she’d missed out on because she hadn’t gone to university. If she said no to this chance, she would always regret it. She knew that.

GISELLE RENARDE is a queer Canadian, avid volunteer, contributor to more than 100 short story anthologies, and award-winning author of books like Anonymous, The Red Satin Collection, and My Mistress’ Thighs. Ms Renarde lives across from a park with two bilingual cats who sleep on her head.

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