Hotties: Claudia Winkleman

The most-cherished half hour of my week is watching Film 2013, because, for a geek like me, Claudia Winkleman is simply the funniest woman on TV. She is unique. There is no one like her and, whenever she makes the ‘call me’ sign, I actually want to pick up my phone and dial (but I don’t have her number).

Apart from being eloquent, smart and always hilarious, Claudia is also H.O.T. I mean, she singlehandedly lifts the fringe up to an art form. I ♥ Claudia’s bangs. She’s also very good at ripping movies apart (and the mere thirty minutes she is given to shine on Film 2013 every week are always too short.)

Don’t take my word for it though… here are some sexy Claudia pics.

Claudia WinklemanI could watch Claudia on the set of Film 2013 all day long

Claudia WinklemanI’d love to share a cup of tea, Claudia

Claudia WinklemanOh hello, bedroom eyes!

Claudia WinklemanNever cut your bangs, Claudia

P.S. Claudia, could you please tell Danny to close his legs when he’s on TV

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