Things I did this week #11

– Ignored Valentine’s Day (just like every year)
– Fell in TV love with a succubus
– Professed my love for Claudia Winkleman (and her bangs)
– Celebrated Chinese New Year with a Lost Girl marathon (yes, I’m addicted now)
– Started writing High Rise Novella Four
Called for submissions (send me your dirty lesbian stories, pretty please!)
– Went on a 12K Sunday hike (and fell in love with Hong Kong a bit more)
– Invested in a walking stick (because, seriously, it remains a mystery how I haven’t broken anything yet while walking down all those treacherous, slippery rocks)
– Fell in TV love with Det. Flynn’s wardrobe (please, gods of TV, don’t ever cancel Motive)
– Finished the last edits on No Ordinary Love (It’s out next week!)
– Started on a ‘100 push-ups in 6 weeks program’ (because there’s nothing better in life than toned arms)
– Tried to choose green tea over coffee (with a 50% success rate)
– Marvelled at my wife’s trip planning skills (for our US west coast road trip in June)
– Made this list

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