Hump Day Hook: The Client

The Client by Sadie Spiller

Oops. Has it been one whole week since the last Hump Day Hook already? Well, I’ve been a busy girl. We’ve just launched Ladylit‘s brand new imprint A Hotter State, and I grew myself a new alter ego along the way. 😉

Meet Sadie Spiller, another me writing more than just lesbian erotica. However, The Client, Sadie’s first story for A Hotter State, is F/F erotica, which is why it’s allowed on my blog! 😉

Here’s a snippet from The Client for this week’s Hump Day Hook.

“This week’s session is on the house,” I corrected myself. “And I’ll throw in a free drink as well.” I rose from my chair and headed for the liquor cabinet, hoping she didn’t have anywhere to be.

“Really?” Her voice was behind me. “Is that ethical?”

Ethical. The last word I wanted to hear. Before turning to face her, I grabbed two glasses and a bottle of scotch.

“I highly doubt it.” I shot her a wide smile—the one I use for seducing. With every second that passed, I felt boundaries crumbling. Up until now, I’d always managed to keep myself in check, to ignore the throbbing of my clit when her voice grew low with desperation. I crossed back to where she was sitting and set the glasses down on the small table between our chairs, pouring a generous amount of liquor in both.

Silence filled the room. My office was too high up for traffic noise to filter in. My assistant had gone home at seven. It was just Claire and I, and a bottle of booze. And the lust crawling up my spine, clinging to my skin. Finding a way out.

“But I’m only human,” I continued. “I suffer from the same imperfections as anyone else.” I took a large swig of whiskey and relished how it burned my throat, like punishment.

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