NEW RELEASE: Girls Only: Volume Three

Girls Only: Volume ThreeI’ve bundled a few of my stories up again in a new installment of ‘Girls Only’. We’ve reached Volume Three already, which makes me wonder how many climaxes I’ve written since I first started… 😉

The stories in this mini-anthology are:
– Stair Walking
– Dress Code
– Lovely Rita
– Off the Record
– Stormy Weather
– Rather


Please note that all six of these stories have been previously published. Two of them in themed Ladylit mini-anthologies (Dress Code & Off the Record) and two in anthologies by other publishers (Stair Walking & Lovely Rita). Stormy Weather was published as a standalone story last year, and, of course, Rather has been available for free on this website for quite some time, but it’s one of my personal favourites so I think it deserves its place in the book.

Here’s an excerpt from Stair Walking (which I wrote back in 2012… Time really does fly!)

“I know why you followed me in here that day.” Her voice was lower than usual and a little alcohol-soaked.

“Oh, yeah?” I leaned against the wall, acutely aware of the moist goings-on underneath the carefully ironed fabric of my skirt.

“I could practically smell it on you.” She took a step closer. “Like a bitch in heat.” I inhaled the wine on her breath.

“Why am I here, then?” The lamp blinked above us, erasing our presence for a split second.

“As if you don’t know.” Slowly, she let her jacket slip off her arms. It fell to the ground with a rustling whisper.

Of course I knew. I just hadn’t expected it. The sudden authority in her voice set my blood on fire, driving it, beat by beat, to my pulsing pussy lips. In response, I locked my eyes with her blazing brown ones and bit my bottom lip. As a yes, it would suffice.

“Unbutton your blouse,” she commanded. I had known it would be this way. I had seen it in her glance that day I craned my head around the door frame of her office. I’d deducted it from the aura of controlled silence in which she wrapped herself. The quiet ones always know best.

You can get Girls Only: Volume Three on Amazon:
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P.S. French Kissing: Season Two is now also available in print on Amazon!

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