Lately, I have considered adding a middle name to Harper Bliss. Obviously, that middle name would have to be ‘Delay’. That’s me: Harper Delay Bliss. All jokes aside, it frustrates me more than anyone when an episode of French Kissing takes much longer than expected to appear on Amazon. But hey, guess what? Episode Four is now (at last) available from Amazon!
Get it here from: Amazon US / Amazon UK / Amazon CA / Amazon DE / Amazon AUS
About the boxed set, which will be ready in June, not long after Episode Six comes out. This boxed set, containing all six episodes, will be priced lower than all the individual episodes combined. So, it’s only fair to give readers who’ve bought at least four episodes separately a present (e.g. episodes five and six for free.) Here’s how this is going to work:
1. You’ll need to e-mail me (harperbliss at gmail dot com) some sort of proof of purchase so I know you’ve bought the first four episodes. This can be:
– A screen shot or PDF of the purchase receipt of the retailer where you bought the episodes. Don’t send me a link to your Amazon (or any other retailer) account. I can’t (and don’t want to) log in to your private account.
– If you’ve bought all four episodes directly from me via Sellfy, I can verify myself and you can just send me an e-mail saying ‘Sellfy’ (and maybe also say hello).
2. In your e-mail, clearly state which format you want to receive the boxed set in. I have mobi (for Kindle), ePub (for all other e-readers) and PDF. If you want me to send the mobi-file directly to your Kindle, you’ll have to approve my e-mail address in advance (but please ignore this if you don’t immediately know what this means).
3. Please be aware that you’ll be responsible for loading the boxed set onto your e-reader yourself. The file won’t be sent automatically (like when you buy an e-book from Amazon.)
4. There will be a paperback version available as of July, but this offer is only valid for the e-book version of the boxed set.
5. Any questions, e-mail me: harperbliss at gmail dot com
I hope I’ve explained it well enough. If you’ve bought the first four episodes: thank you very very much! (I ♥ you!)