Coming Together: Girl on Girl

Girl on GirlShame on me for not blogging about this earlier. I mean, this anthology features fifteen F/F stories penned by some of erotica’s hottest names. On top of that, all profits benefit the National Center for Lesbian Rights AND it’s only $2.99. I’ve bought books for a whole lot less reasons than that! 😉

What I’m trying to say is, that by purchasing this anthology, you’ll be fully complying with Coming Together‘s brilliant tag line: Doing Good While Being Bad! If you can work on your karma while (as I like to say in my stories) attending to the throbbing between your legs, why wouldn’t you?

My story New Girl features in this anthology, edited by Leigh Ellwood, and I’m honoured to be in such great company.

Here’s the official blurb:
Coming Together: Girl on Girl is a collection of lesbian erotica and erotic romance edited by award-winning author Leigh Ellwood. All proceeds from the sales of this anthology, and any individual titles released in eBook or audiobook, will benefit the National Center for Lesbian Rights.

CONTENTS: The Princess’ Princess (Salome Wilde); Sundae, Bloody Sunday (Lisabet Sarai); Angel (Ms. Peach); Hot Air (Slave Nano); A Taste of Vanilla (Leigh Ellwood); The Trade In (Stephani Maari Booker); New Girl (Harper Bliss); Same But Different (Kate Atwood); Fair As the Moon (Laurel Waterford); On Display (Sophie Mouette); Tough Enough to Wear a Dress (Teresa Noelle Roberts); Snow Blind (Jean Roberta); All Keyed Up (Scarlet Chastain); Ghost Lights (Erzabet Bishop); Winner Take (Andrea Dale); Worth the Wait (Beth Wylde)

And you can buy it here (aka Doing Good While Being Bad):
Amazon US
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All Romance eBooks

Enjoy working on your karma! 😉

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