Cover for High Rise Novella Four

Close Enough A few hours ago I finished the first draft of Close Enough (High Rise Novella Four). Just in time before I fly off to Europe to visit my family tomorrow. (Yes, I always like to cut it fine when deadlines are in play.)

Close Enough checks back in with Nat and Isabella. Their differences in age, lifestyle (and just about everything else) prove to be quite the challenge for their new relationship (but they make such a hot couple.)

Close Enough will be released at the end of March. Meanwhile here’s the cover!


And here’s what all four novellas look like in a neat little row. 😉

High Rise Series

4 Responses

  1. Neat little row, indeed. 😀
    The time when I read this last installment isn’t close enough! Can’t wait! 🙂
    Have a nice flight!
    And be prepared for a neat little March weather, back home… 😉

  2. Bonjour Lily! 😉

    Close Enough should be ready for DBBR’s (dearly beloved beta-readers) in about 10 days (if all goes well, aka if the weather is not too good ;-p)

    Thanks for stopping by. Lovely to see you here! 😉

  3. Congrats on finishing your 4th installment! & the covers are very drool worthy alone and in their neat little row 😉 I’m chomping at the bit for the next installment. What am I saying ? I’m always chomping on the bit for more ‘Harper Bliss’ novels *wicked grin* Curtsy to you Harper!

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