Things I did this week #8

– Took a break from writing
– Suffered through my first spin class in months (ouch)
– Made an ab-centric cover for New Girl
– Re-designed the cover for The Honeymoon three times
– Offered Learning Curve for free for three days (hurry up, only one day left!)
– Tried a different neighbourhood restaurant’s lunch set every day (but pizza always wins)
– Watched Argo and Life of Pi and loved them both (oh, the comforting joy of blockbusters)
– Had pictures printed of all my book covers (oh, vanity)
– Decided to never ever set foot in a Starbucks again after they served me The Worst Mocha Ever (Remember: ‘Friends don’t let friends drink Starbucks!’)
– Received Undisclosed Desires back from my beta-readers
– Set the release date for Undisclosed Desires to Wednesday 19 December
– Held a two-weeks-old miniature baby and felt my heart melt several times
– Spent too much time in WordPress upgrade hell
– Was eye-rollingly disappointed in the sequel to one of my favourite lesfic books
– Made this list

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