New Release: Lipstick Lovers

Lipstick Lovers We’re halfway through November and things are heating up. Today I celebrate the release of Lipstick Lovers, in which my story Overtime appears alongside stories by erotica all stars like Giselle Renarde, Lucy Felthouse and Elizabeth Coldwell.

Here’s the blurb for the anthology
In this sizzling selection of twenty erotic lesbian stories, find out what happens when women act on their overwhelming lust for each other. Dominant mistresses and willing slaves, bi-curious best friends, strangers swept away by the thrill of passion and long-time lovers spicing up their sex lives share the pages of Lipstick Lovers. Explicit fantasy and naughty adventures make this the hottest lesbian collection from the best writers in the genre. Everyone has fun when girls come together.

And here’s a snippet from my story Overtime

“Lock the door.” Cathy’s voice was low, a little menacing and extremely sexy.


“Turn the key to the right and lock the door.”

Laura stifled her natural reflexes to protest and did as Cathy ordered. When she spun around, her back against the door, Cathy stood mere inches away. Her eyes peered into Laura’s as a small smile crept along her lips.

Before Laura had a chance to even consider what was happening, Cathy’s hand was on her chest. Her fingers pressed against Laura’s clavicle before finding their way down her blouse. Without warning or words, Cathy snuck her hand under Laura’s bra and squeezed her nipple brutally between thumb and index finger.

Laura gasped for air. A sharp pain sped through her body as Cathy pinched harder.

Not allowing her eyes to leave Laura’s, Cathy leaned in a little closer.

“I’m only going to ask you once.” Cathy’s lips found Laura’s ear. “Do you want me to fuck you?”

Buy links and all other information here >>

Disclaimer: this story also appears in A Woman’s Touch

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