All Of Me

A Hotter State Today A Hotter State drops and the title of this blog post says it all: it contains all three of my published stories so far, plus an unpublished short story. Here’s the contents:

Hired Help
Olivia’s girlfriend walked out on her months ago and she’s desperate for some action. Her best friend recommends some hired help.

The Honeymoon 
A sizzling novelette featuring a couple of newlyweds honeymooning in Phuket. When they encounter a mysterious Asian woman in their beach side resort, they decide to give each other a very special wedding gift.

Learning Curve
Ada’s company relocated her to Berlin, provided that she’d take an intensive course in German. It proves to be a steep learning curve, until her teacher Giselle implements some alternative educational methods.

New Girl (note: this story is available in the ‘Free stories‘ section)
Liz has to share a room with the new girl on the volleyball team. What begins as a frustrating experience, soon evolves into something very satisfying.

30.000 words of lesbian hotness bundled together in a very gently priced omnibus. Here’s the deal. This book only costs $4.99 (which is less than the price of Hired Help and The Honeymoon combined if you were to buy them separately, and you get Learning Curve and New Girl thrown in as well). I guess you could call it a bargain. But that’s not the end of it. If you buy it through my web shop and share your purchase on Twitter or Facebook, you get a 20% discount. Which means, basically, that you get all of me for $3.99.

Let’s break it down, shall we. A Hotter State is available from:
Amazon US
Amazon UK
Amazon DE
All Romance
Rainbow eBooks
My web shop (where you will get a 20% discount after you’ve tweeted or Facebook-shared your purchase!)


PS On another note: Wetter is finally free on Amazon!

PPS Next brand new release: Summer Heat on 22 August

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