French Kissing Fantasy Casting: Juliette Barbier

I love all ‘my ladies’, of course, and I hope they all come across as complex and interesting as I intended them to be, but as far as understanding of and compassion for a deeply flawed character goes, I’m firmly in Juliette’s camp.

Based on reader reactions after the first two episodes, Juliette was the least favourite character, because she does have a sense of entitledness about her and she does make the wrong choices and, more often than not, says the wrong things to Nadia. On an emotional level, half of the time, Juliette has no clue what she’s doing, despite being a control freak. But she has a big heart and she means well, she’s just not very good at expressing it most of the time. This probably makes her the most ‘real’ character I’ve written.

Oh wait, this is a fantasy casting blog post, not an ode to Juliette Barbier. 😉

For me, Juliette = Gillian Anderson.

Gillian AndersonI’ve had dreams about Juliette & Claire, but it was always crystal clear that it could never work out. 😉

Gillian AndersonMost likely NOT discussing work again at Barbier & Cyr…

These fantasy casting blog posts are so much fun. Can’t wait to introduce you to ‘my Nadia’ tomorrow… 😉

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