
I’ve been neglecting my blog. I know. But seriously, I’ve been so busy lusting after a slew of hot women now that the new TV season has begun. I’m currently working on a top 5 of my favourites, so I’ll be sending some hotness this way soon.

And… today you can find me over at Smut in the City’s co-editor Victoria Blisse’s blog, talking about how I DIDN’T tell my parents that I write erotica on my last visit home. I mention a pink dildo though, so you may want to check it out.

In pub news… My next release will be a collection of all my stories for Ladylit so far called Can’t Get Enough, and it will be available in paperback and e-book.

No worries though, I’m working on new stuff… something I’m terribly excited about that I’ve dubbed the ‘High Rise Series’ and will be set in ‘the sexiest building in Hong Kong’. Expected release date for the first novella in the series is 21 November.

That’s it for now. Unless, that is, if you want to have a look at my redesigned Books page… 😉


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