NEW RELEASE: A Lesson in Love

A Lesson in LoveA Lesson in Love (The Village Romance Series – Book 3) is OUT NOW!

I’m super excited because A Lesson in Love combines two of my very favourite things: a teacher crush & an age-gap romance.

In the author’s note of A Lesson in Love, I’ve written: “I experienced the pure, true joy of writing again during the first draft of this book.”

This is definitely due to finding myself on familiar age gap territory, but also because one of the main characters is an ice-queen-ish professor of English literature. All my boxes were ticked, so to speak, and I had So Much Fun while writing.

And it wasn’t just the writing that was fun… collaborating with my lesfic friends Clare Lydon and T.B. Markinson was simply wonderful. (I wouldn’t be at all surprised if we did this again some time!)

Here’s the blurb:

Can The Posh Student Win The Uptight Professor?

Helen Swift is almost fifty and tired of her day job as a professor at Oxford University. She prefers to write cozy mysteries under a well-hidden pen name in her Cotswolds cottage. She’s also far too busy to even consider romance.

Posh girl, Victoria ‘Rory’ Carlisle, is over the moon when she snags Helen as her DPhil supervisor, and not only because of Professor Swift’s academic prowess. Rory takes an instant shine to Helen, who is far from charmed by her advances.

Can Rory make a dent in the wall that Helen has built around herself? And does Helen even have the time for such an inappropriate dalliance?

Best-selling lesbian fiction author Harper Bliss is back with one of her trademark age-gap romances! It’s part of The Village Romance series which features books by lesfic favourites T.B. Markinson (A Shot at Love), and Clare Lydon (A Taste of Love).

One English village, three charming romances. Read the lesfic trilogy that’s the talk of the summer today!

A Lesson in Love is available on Amazon (and it’s in Kindle Unlimited):
– Amazon US
– Amazon UK
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– Other Amazon Stores

What readers are saying about A Lesson in Love:

“Excellent ending to an excellent trilogy.”

“Ice queen, age-gap romance at its best.”

“OMG, this book was so good! I absolutely love an age gap from Harper and this one did not disappoint!”


P.S. Did I mention that A Lesson in Love features one of the longest sex scenes I’ve written to date? 😉

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