My LesFic

My LesFic

Hey all,

Today Caroline and I are launching a brand new weekly newsletter focusing on lesbian fiction ONLY. We have called this new baby My LesFic and it works like this:

1. Sign up to My LesFic for free:

2. Every Friday (at approximately 10AM EST – 3PM GMT) My LesFic will send you a newsletter featuring three to four lesbian fiction books that are discounted on that day.

3. Clicking on a book you’re interested in will take you to our website where you will see which retailers are selling the book at the discounted price.

4. Click on your store of choice and you will be taken to that store to purchase the book and download it to your device.

5. The book is yours to enjoy forever.

That’s it. All you really need to do is sign up, and you’ll get all the deals delivered to your inbox.

We’ve been working hard to include some great books by lesfic favourites in the first few newsletters, which you’ll be able to get at a nice discount… if you’re signed up to! 😉

If you’re a lesbian fiction author/publisher, you can submit your books here:

Caroline and I believe this newsletter will be great for both readers and writers and we hope to bring you many exciting deals in the future.


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