High Rise is on sale!

High Rise

Hello from Belgium! Just a quick note to let you know that High Rise (The Complete Collection) is on sale for $0.99 on ALL Amazon stores until 5 May. Get your sexy lesbian drama for a bargain price while you can! Here are the links:

Amazon US
Amazon UK
Amazon DE
Amazon CA
Amazon AUS

Note: I wrote High Rise before I ‘rebranded’ myself as more of a lesbian romance author, so it has many, many sexy scenes. Just FYI. 😉


2 Responses

  1. With brain cancer I can’t read for long periods of time. Is there an audible version of this series?
    I thoroughly enjoy your books and the offer me an escape from treatments & many of the characters have qualities I used to have myself until the CA beast came knocking and stole my identity leaving me only a diagnosis.

    I was an avid reader but the brain cancer affected my optic nerve making even brief periods of reading unbearable. But I have switched to listening to books which has been a blessing. Please keep in mind some of us that enjoy you books might not be able to read for various reason but can still enjoy your talented storytelling via audible versions

    1. Hi Jules,

      You’re absolutely right, of course. High Rise is the only book on my backlist not (yet) available in audio. I’ll try to change that in due course! Sorry! (All my other books are available in audio already, fyi.)

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